Optical memory based on quantized atomic center-of-mass motion

Optical memory based on quantized atomic center-of-mass motion

August, 4th 2023

Daniel Felinto is an Associate Professor at the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE) and works in Physics, with emphasis on Optics, Atomic Physics and Quantum Information. He co-wrote the article “Optical memory based on quantized atomic center-of-mass motion”, published in Optics Letters, in 2017.

Abstract: We report a new type of optical memory using a pure two-level system of cesium atoms cooled by the magnetically assisted Sisyphus effect. The optical information of a probe field is stored in the coherence between quantized vibrational levels of the atoms in the potential wells of a 1-D optical lattice. The retrieved pulse shows Rabi oscillations with a frequency determined by the reading beam intensity and are qualitatively understood in terms of a simple theoretical model. The exploration of the external degrees of freedom of an atom may add another capability in the design of quantum-information protocols using light.

Authors: JP Lopez, AJF de Almeida, D Felinto, JWR Tabosa.

Read the article here.


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